Summer wrap up.
Summer is always too short. But we managed to still get a lot done. I'm very proud of the lab! The lab is growing and I’m excited that our team is made up of people with diverse experiences and backgrounds.
Some highlights:
- It was very exciting to have Shani join our lab this summer. Shani is an undergrad at UCLA and she has made some incredible progress on our retinits pigmentosa project.
- Josh and Becky joined this summer as postdocs. They have both hit the ground running and are moving forward quickly.
- We attended GSA’s TAGC meeting in Orlando.
- We celebrated new lab members with lab lunch.
- We celebrated birthdays with donuts.
That’s a lot!
We wrapped up the summer with a lab dinner together.
Clement, Shani, Elaine, Josh, Demi, Katie, becky
We’re so excited to see what this year brings!