Our logo
You'll notice that our lab is represented by a pretty neat logo. I decided that I wanted a logo designed for the lab because I didn't want my face to be the lab brand. I want this lab to function as a team - I just happen to be the PI.
Our logo has four symbols, a DNA helix, a human, a mouse and a fly. The DNA helix represents our central theme of harnessing the power of genetic variation to answer the questions we are chasing. The human symbolizes the fact that even if we are doing basic science, we strive to contribute to solving aspects of human disease and contributing to the development of therapies. The mouse and the fly show that we believe strongly in model organism research. Continuing advances in model organism biology make these tools more powerful than ever. We use both the mouse and the fly to study and model how genetic variation can impact human diseases.
I am hoping that this logo will serve as a good reminder for us as we push forward.